Saturday, February 22, 2014

what a bliss !

She escorts me 

to my bed
seduces to close my eyes,
eyes exhausted and stretched
Fidgets with my ear lobes,
smooths every crease 
Every fold on my forehead,
applying her embalming fingers
on my fatigue ridden face
like poultice, with swift pace
licking wrinkles
their remnant trace
my soul sinks
sinks deep...deeper
penetrating comfort to depths
mind unleashed of burden
flaps and flutters
it's constrained wings,
let loose to wonder...
my heart sings
She strokes each cell
evoking them vibrate
in cadence
with her throbbing heart
she coos .. rubs her cheeks
against mine, to
hear me softly moan,
there i fall
in her
surrendering to the cajoling welcome,
to the world of divine bliss
to the serenity she carries
oh yes She is "SLEEP"
now i am in deep sleep...

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